Monthly Archives: July 2013

In the 80’s and Beyond…

My third post will start with the renowned 1980 Mariel boatlift. In 1980, Cuban president Fidel Castro opened up the port of Mariel, Castro released a statement inviting the Cuban immigrants of the United States to sail back to Cuba … Continue reading

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In the 50s and 60s…

My second blog will be about the migration tendencies and difficulties faced by Cuban women in the 1950s-1970s. During these thirty years, thousands of Cubans migrated to the United States in search of freedom and the promise of the so … Continue reading

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1800s Independence Wars

Immigration laws are currently a hot topic in the US Supreme Court. Americans’ feeling towards immigrants are quite divided, some believe that we should offer asylum to the immigrants, while others believe that they are damaging the economy and jeopardizing … Continue reading

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